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发布时间:2021-06-29 10:45:22 点击量:242


The belief that Apollo was a sun god is due to the origin of Apollo with solar attributes, some variation of the gods in late ancient Greece, and the later inclusion of poets and dramatists. You see him like a prince, but also like a fencing champion. This is Apollo's posture just after he shot the dragon. The arrow had been shot, and his right hand had just been drawn from the bow, but the gesture was not serious, and he looked handsome, with the grace one might have seen in the upper classes of ancient times.



Modern people often say that Apollo was the sun god, but in fact, he and other native Greek civilizations believed in the sun god in the 5th century BC. In late Greek mythology, Apollo had the attributes of a sun god. When the gods of Olympus defeated the Titans, Zeus began to divide the gods.



Apollo wanted him to ride the sun chariot. At that time Zeus forgot to promise Helios. Afterward, Apollo drove the sun chariot, even though Helios was Helios. The Sun Chariot looks like it has several (about four) horses in front of it all shining with gold. Its body was made of gold, and the horses and cars gave off golden light and heat.



Due to the long history of Greek mythology, modern people have a great misunderstanding and understanding of the identity and status of many figures in the mythological system, such as the understanding of "Apollo = Apollo". It is clear that Apollo also had the attributes of a sun god, but his main duties were as a god of prophecy and a god of light.

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